Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Work that we love

A stramge thing happened today. I was listening to a radio commercial in which a man whined about how hard it was to come out of the weekend and go back to work. Without thinking, I said, "But I love getting back to work on Monday morning."

Then I stopped, dumbfounded. I realize that for the first time in my life, I actually like going to work in the mornings. This has never happened before! I believe I've finally found a job I enjoy so much that I look forward to it. It's not workaholism; it's a joy. Wow.

Not that it's easy work. I"m trying to get through revisions to Sudbury School so I can return to working on Lingerie Addict and Murder in High Places. My reading is lagging because I'm too busy reading myself (ha). I have three books on my pile I desperately want to get to and more I want to go out and buy. How do readers do it?? I've pretty much given up all TV (except a few select shows), but I still don't have time to read.

All that writing I guess. Now, back to revisions!



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